WIKING Helikopter Service GmbH on Galloper Windfarm contract for heli-hoist operation
WIKING Helikopter Service GmbH has been awarded the contract to provide helicopter services to the Galloper Windfarm for Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Ltd.
The Galloper Windfarm is a 336 MW Project 30 kilometers off the coast of Suffolk, U.K. The main service will be hoist operation of service technicians to the wind turbines on site and troubleshooting.
The contract is the first long-term heli-hoist service contract for.
During the service for 56 wind turbines, WIKING will transport and hoist the technicians of Siemens. Operations will be conducted initially from the base at Great Oakley Aerodrome, until a new base in Harwich Harbour is established.
The crew will consist of two pilots and one hoist operator to comply with Siemens’ high safety standard.